New Mexico True

New Mexico True. It’s a statement that’s become synonymous with the best of experiences our state has to offer. Authentic, real experiences, based on the most honest and transparent statements, that offer visitors a chance to build a great memory. The words promise the delivery of met expectations and true workmanship. And those words are the foundation for Turquoise Skies.

Participating in the New Mexico True campaign means making a public pledge of authenticity and honesty. That’s what Turquoise Skies has done by joining with other businesses in the state to say their products represent the best of what New Mexico has to offer. Those products are made here, by New Mexicans. That’s the core foundation of the pledge. It means that what you think you’re buying is indeed what you’re getting. That’s the promise that New Mexico True businesses make.

The concept of this pledge of authenticity comes from the New Mexico Tourism Department. Through a collaboration between the Department and Chambers of Commerce, Convention and Visitor Bureaus and private businesses that work in the tourism industry, the campaign is meant to both bring visitors to New Mexico and ensure that their visit here is the most pleasurable experience it can be. 

By taking this pledge of authenticity and transparency, Turquoise Skies seeks to ensure their customers are satisfied with the purchases they make and also to make those outside our state aware of the vibrant, diverse cultures that exist within New Mexico’s borders. Our artists work hard to create beautiful handcrafted jewelry through traditional skills and materials. We offer customers the opportunity to interact with the artists and to find out about them and their artistic process. By doing this we feel we are representing the best New Mexico has to offer. It’s our way of bringing New Mexico True to the rest of the country.